Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm tired

Honestly, I thought more people would be thinking the things I am and want to discuss them here. Honestly, I don't believe we are living the way nature intended. Honestly, I don't want to go off and live alone in order to get away from it all. Honestly, I'm tired.

How do I find what I'm looking for? Where is my intentional community, my tribe? Where do I go from here? I can't stay motivated on these things with no one to share in my journey, to inspire and encourage me. Would I be more likely to meet the person/ people I'm talking about in a small town/ community? Then what?! Wait another few years before real life begins?!

I can live with this life. It's not that I'm unhappy. There are good things happening. If I only knew that this was it, that I should move forward within the parameters of the life I have right now, I could give up on all of the other passions and dreams perpetually brewing just under the surface of my mind.

Anyone want to move away from the bustling masses into a yurt with me?


  1. Your ideas are not outside of what is possible, or what others are thinking of also. You will find your community. Have you considered perhaps living on a farm, doing some massage and living in a yurt?

    I think you should start twittering.... It apparently is connecting bloggers everywhere!

  2. Living on a farm where? With what kind of people? I'd love my yurt and doing massage! It sounds great, but I'd really like to go with people I know, if possible. I don't want to be reactive, but proactive! How do I define the difference? We still need to talk about your commune experiences!

    Thanks for commenting on here! Love you, and your mind!

    Oh, and twittering? I don't know... it seems like another thing to keep up with....

  3. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there interested in this sort of stuff.
    I'm not sure if you'll find it helpful or not, but I did an ASB trip to an intentional community in Luck, WI. They ran it via a Quaker model of consensus, but the main person to talk to there was this guy named Mike. Maybe he would have some insight into starting up a community like this. I haven't talked to him since then, but I'm sure he is still super friendly and willing to talk. The community's website is:

  4. Thank you for the comment ramaldon. I love the website you sent the link for! Sounds great, except for the religious basis. They don't seem overly religious, but the site references the Bible and the name of the farm is biblical.... I do admire what they do, however, and it would be worth a visit.

  5. I don't really know how much religion played into their organization(s). I think it was just a primum mobile for them, as it were, for lack of a better way of putting it. Maybe they just held off on the religious posturing for the week though, you never know, really.
    I mostly just remember being fascinated about how they made decisions. Apparently with consensus, anyone can completely shoot something down if they want to, technically, but it had only happened once for them, when they were discussing getting a hog to let loose and eventually slaughter once it got big for food. It's amazing how well at least small groups of people can get along with each other when they are truly interested in making it work.

    Not to discount how much the experience still makes me think about sustainable things and flavors what I do see in that general realm, but that is something that struck me and I never really knew how much until I actually thought back about it.
