Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Direction to Aim

Following any feelings of doom and gloom, my brain starts to work on next steps and plausible solution. So, here's the theory.... If I aim in the direction I want to go, I will meet people who feel the same way and learn things I will need to know along the way. In short, I will manifest my desired future in my life. Do I expect it to look identical to the vision in my head at this moment? If our ideas and expectations didn't evolve, wouldn't that mean we have closed ourselves to learning new things? I hope to learn until the day I die.

Paying off my current debt is a good start to being able to afford to buy my yurt, some land, and begin my farming. So I will attempt to make more money and save, save, save in an effort to follow my dreams. This feels a bit like immersion even more in the corrupt system in order to be able to separate myself from that very system. But, I don't see a way around this and I'm willing to accept it as a necessary "evil".

Also, and this is where I will meet those like-minded people, I will volunteer with an environmental clean-up or green energy effort, take environmental ed. classes and "survival" courses where I'm able (keeping in mind the previous goal of paying off debt).

Then there's my garden! I have a yard now, space, and raised beds I began work on this fall. So, I practice growing as much food as I can, in this northwest climate. Yummy!

So, there's a plan of action which will get my closer to my goal of an intentional community while using my time in the interim for preparation.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm tired

Honestly, I thought more people would be thinking the things I am and want to discuss them here. Honestly, I don't believe we are living the way nature intended. Honestly, I don't want to go off and live alone in order to get away from it all. Honestly, I'm tired.

How do I find what I'm looking for? Where is my intentional community, my tribe? Where do I go from here? I can't stay motivated on these things with no one to share in my journey, to inspire and encourage me. Would I be more likely to meet the person/ people I'm talking about in a small town/ community? Then what?! Wait another few years before real life begins?!

I can live with this life. It's not that I'm unhappy. There are good things happening. If I only knew that this was it, that I should move forward within the parameters of the life I have right now, I could give up on all of the other passions and dreams perpetually brewing just under the surface of my mind.

Anyone want to move away from the bustling masses into a yurt with me?